Page 54 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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           learned during the semester,              Retention of Final Examinations
        6.  If a student has missed an exam for any reason (other   Faculty are encouraged to make graded final examinations
           than medical reasons as already noted), she/he may   or papers available to students at the end of the semester.
           appeal to retake the test or exam if extreme justifying   The College will  retain a copy  of each  student’s  graded
           circumstances warrant it. A written appeal must   final  examination/paper  and examples  from  across  the
           describe the circumstances which caused the student to   range of student performance of graded responses to all
           miss the examination, and supporting documentation   assessment  instruments  of  the  last  two  presentations  of
           should be provided where appropriate. Copies of the   the course to evaluate program effectiveness.
           appeal must be sent to the respective faculty member
           and to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
           for review and approval.                  Student Assessment and Late
                                                     Coursework Guidelines
        Rules Governing Final                        ADU  believes  that  quality  assessment  should  both
        Examinations                                 document student success (assessment OF learning) and
                                                     help students improve and learn better through provision
        1.  No faculty may hold a final examination except during   of timely feedback on their performance (assessment FOR
           the period in which final examinations are scheduled.   learning) and how to improve it. Moreover, faculty should
           The final examination times will be posted by the   develop assessment methods and tasks that serve both
           Registrar and will take place immediately following   purposes of assessments and target knowledge mastery
           the thirteenth week of the Fall and Spring semesters.   as well as higher order thinking skills and abilities.  In sum,
           The  Summer semester final examination schedule   excellence in assessment is integral to achieving excellence
           will be coordinated within the  Summer semester and   in teaching and learning, which is in harmony with ADU
           students will be notified of the given date in advance.  vision and mission.
        2.  No student may be required to take more than two       Definition
           final examinations on any calendar day during the   Assessment is the gathering of evidence of student
           period in which final examinations are scheduled.   learning and achievement to guide instructional decisions
           If  more  than  two  are  scheduled,  the  Office  of  the   and aid student learning.
           Registrar will permit a postponement allowing students
           to sit for such an examination at a later date.  Purposes of Assessment
        3.    Examinations that are postponed because more than   Assessment serves multiple purposes. It provides feedback
           two examinations are scheduled on the same day,   to the two main immediate users of assessment information
           or because an examination conflicts with another   or results: students and faculty.
           examination or when more than two examinations are
           scheduled on the same day, may be taken at another   •  Students  receive  relevant  feedback  on  their
           time  during  the  final  examination  period  once  the   performance and how to improve it, and instructors
           faculty member and student both agree on a time.  receive feedback on their strategies of instructional
                                                        delivery.  Moreover, assessment results help students
        4.    Laboratory work  and oral examinations which  form   to reflect on their learning experience, to adjust their
           part of a final exam are allowed to be taken in the week   learning strategies and skills, and to identify where they
           preceding the period set for the final examinations, but   need help.
           all of the university required written final examinations   •   Faculty receive feedback which helps them to reflect
           must be given during the final exam period.
                                                        on their instructional strategies, to make necessary
        5.    No faculty may change the time, date or location of a   adjustments, to track student progress, and to identify
           final exam without permission from the Registrar.  which students need extra help.
                                                     Assessment Types
        6.    No faculty member may increase the time allowed for
           a final exam beyond the scheduled two hours without   There are three major types of assessment: diagnostic,
           permission from the respective Dean and Registrar.  summative and formative.
                                                     •   Diagnostic assessment is usually conducted at the
                                                        beginning of the semester and is used to identify
                                                        student  strengths  and  weaknesses.  It  provides

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