Page 50 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        Evidence for any of the following legitimate excuses will be   •   Good: 2.5 - 2.99
        submitted to the Office of the Registrar on the first day of   •   Very Good: 3.0 - 3.49
        return to class:
        1.  Hospitalization,                         Distance Learning Procedure
        2.  Contagious Disease,                      The purpose of the procedural guidelines is to set out
        3.  Death of an immediate family member (parent,   general institutional rules and standards for distance
           grandparent, sibling, spouse, child),     teaching  and  learning  at  ADU.  Distance  teaching  and
        4.  Car Accident,                            learning complies with MoE/CAA regulations,  as well as
                                                     with related ADU policies and procedures.
        5.  Special assignments (for working students) with prior
           written approval from the Office of the Registrar,  1. FACULTY AND STUDENT ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
        6.     Al Haj                                1.1 Faculty members are responsible for:
        Al Umra is not valid excuse for students to be absent.    1.1.1  Attending  all  mandatory  online  teaching  training
                                                     sessions, as well as attending any optional training sessions
        In the case of excused absence for a final exam, the student   deemed desirable and/or relevant to subject, college, or
        has to apply for an Incomplete (I) grade at the Office of the   identified need.
        Registrar within 48 hours of the exam.
                                                     1.1.2 Preparing course materials to be used during distance
        Graduation with Honors                       delivery. The material will be either ADU-approved course
                                                     content and material or appropriate external material
                                                     relevant to the course content.
        ADU  grants  Latin  honors  to  eligible  students  graduating
        from postgraduate programs. The eligibility requirement is   1.1.3 Observing and abiding by ADU rules and regulations
        to achieve a CGPA of 3.60 or above.          related to academic integrity and intellectual property
        The titles of the Latin Honors and the corresponding CGPA’s
        are as follows:                              1.1.4 Maintaining familiarity and currency with all technical
                                                     tools, software and techniques adopted by ADU to support
        •   Distinction: 3.60 - 3.84                 distance learning.
        •   Distinction with Honor: 3.85 - 4.00      1.1.5 Conducting all course sessions as per the official ADU
        For Professional Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching, the
        eligibility requirement is to achieve a CGPA of 3.50 or   1.1.6  Enforcing  appropriate  conduct  and  discipline  rules
        above.                                       and maintaining order throughout all course sessions, and
                                                     reporting any student misconduct, in line with ADU rules
        •   Cum Laude: 3.50 - 3.69                   and regulations.
        •   Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 - 3.89             1.1.7 Applying all ADU teaching rules as per traditional
                                                     delivery mode, and observing the Code of Conduct as
        •   Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 - 4.00             outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
        Honors are listed in the student transcript and the diploma   1.1.8 Evaluating and monitoring student engagement/
        certificate.                                 active participation in the session, which is a compulsory
                                                     component in considering attendance for distance
        Student Academic Classification              learning.
        *Non-honors Academic Classification for Postgraduates   1.1.9  Ensuring  that  any  material  required  for  teaching
        according to student’s CGPA upon graduation:  and learning is made available for the students in a timely
        •   Good: 3.0 - 3.29                         manner, either during the session or prior to the session.
                                                     1.1.10 Implementing the course assessment strategy for
        •   Very Good: 3.3 - 3.59
                                                     existing courses to ensure students achieve the learning
        *Non-honors Academic Classification for Professional Post-  outcomes and ensure quality of student performance.
        Graduate Diploma in Teaching according to student’s CGPA
        upon graduation:                             1.1.11 Developing a teaching, learning and assessment
                                                     strategy when designing new courses which embeds best-
        •   Satisfactory: 2.0 - 2.49                 practice instructional design principles for e-learning/
                                                     hybrid learning.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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