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        and Affiliations

        To enhance academic cooperation, development of undergraduate and graduate programs, exchange
        of scientific findings, expertise, faculty and student exchange, practical trainings (internships and
        practicums) and employment opportunities in the field of specializations offered at Abu Dhabi University
        and joint activities, the CoHS has signed several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with top-notch
        renowned industrial institutions, health centers, and Universities in Canada and USA:

                                                                BEEAH Group (signed on 14/9/2021):
                                                                The region’s leading sustainability pioneer
                                                                renowned for outstanding environmental
                                                                innovations and smart solutions focusing on
                                                                environmental and waste management

                                                                ATOMENA Energy Solutions (signed on
                                                                The leading local nuclear energy service provider
                                                                with more than 50 years of global nuclear energy
                                                                sector experience

                                                                National Rehabilitation Center (signed on
                                                                An Emirati center established to serve and provide
                                                                a glimpse of hope for all drug addicts and to
                                                                continually develop its services in line with the
                                                                latest scientific approaches in the treatment and
                                                                rehabilitation of addicted patients

                                                                Tractebel (signed on 24/10/2021):
                                                                One of the world’s largest engineering consultancy
                                                                companies for realizing sustainable, competitive,
                                                                and reliable solutions in energy, water, nuclear, and
                                                                urban with more than 150 years of experience

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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