Page 3 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 3


        Interview with ADU Chancellor

        Prof. Ghassan Aouad

                                Q1- Please, tell us about yourself and your philosophy of education/what the
                                main motives were for you to choose education as a career?

                                The academic world is unquestionably the best place for you if you wish to support
                                and uplift others. You will be proud of how many students and alumni you have. The
                                fact that I get to watch students grow into responsible adults inspires me to keep
                                progressing in my field.

                                However, I can assure you that my work is not easy. I’m thrilled when I witness the
                                students’ success in competitions, when they are joyful during graduation ceremonies,
                                and eventually when I witness them as market leaders.
        Prof. Ghassan Aouad
         ADU Chancellor
                                My life’s philosophy is to work hard and be smart, yet that is not enough. You’ll need
                                the correct temperament, charisma, and, most crucially, the necessary abilities. I
                                keep teaching everyone that the key to success is having courage of heart along with
                                leadership, passion, vision, and creativity. Even something as straightforward as making
                                a cup of coffee should be completed to a high standard.

                                Q2-  As  they  adjust  to  life  in  college,  freshmen  may  confront  particular
                                difficulties.  To  guarantee  a  seamless  transition  into  higher  education,  how
                                does  ADU  help  and  mentor  its  freshmen  students?

                                It is crucial that high school students become used to the atmosphere of colleges. The
                                open days are one tactic that ADU employs. Additionally, by demonstrating to freshmen
                                the expertise of our graduates, we can assist them. Being thoroughly aware of what
                                they subscribed for is incredibly helpful for students. To learn more about their specific
                                majors, students from the College of Engineering are sent to the labs. For instance,
                                cement mixing techniques are introduced to civil engineering students. We ask them
                                to dress appropriately, as if they were in the field, with helmets and suitable attire.
                                Particularly during their first year, freshmen require a lot of care. We ought to make an
                                effort to stress this process of adaptation. I advise first-year students to pay attention
                                to their seniors and take advice from them.

                                Q3-  ADU  is  known  for  its  dedication  to  student  success.  Could  you  briefly
                                describe some of the plans and programs in place to make sure that students
                                succeed both academically and personally while attending the university?

                                On the one hand, we have the Academic Success Center. Students who are having
                                trouble should give it a try. Office hours have been set aside so that students can speak
                                with faculty members and get their questions answered. They may always consult their
                                friends and apply their skills.

                                On the other hand, self-study has never been simpler thanks to the technology of
                                today, which offers students an extensive selection of tools for understanding difficult
                                subjects. We also provide counseling services, which are particularly beneficial for
                                individuals who experience academic stress. The most crucial thing is to motivate pupils
                                to learn because once someone is motivated, anything is possible for him or her.

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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