Page 21 - ASC Highlights
P. 21

Winning Tips

                                    Academic Success Center is that chance for you to discover, learn and communicate,
                                    so here are the tips to make your visits useful.

                                    1.  Prepare yourself and know what your problem is? And in which course?
                                    2.  Book a session with the right tutor through ADU Groups (ASC).
                                    3.  Prepare your questions and bring your materials with you.
                                    4.  Come on time (time is money).
                                    5.  Start your session by informing the tutor what your weak points are or what the
                                       problems are briefly.
                                    6.  Use the materials to help you get the points that you missed.
                                    7.  Keep asking questions (do not forget what Malcolm Forbes said “One who
               Amal El Ansari
               AD-Course Assistant     never  asks  either  knows  everything  or  nothing”).
                                    8.  Try to figure out all your strength and weak points again.
                                    9.  Organize your data and review everything briefly.

                                    After the session time is over, you can book another appointment with the tutor if
                                    you need.

        Facts about Success

        •   Hard work will lead to success.
        •   With no risk there is no success.
        •   Ask and seek advice from experienced people.
        •   Be optimistic..
        •   You should celebrate your success.
        •   You need to immerse yourself in your field.
        •   There is no single right way to be successful. What works for you might not
           work for someone else.
        •   You have to define your success.

        Sheimaa Hammam
        (AD-Peer Tutor)

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