Page 19 - ASC Highlights
P. 19

Academic Success Comes to Those Who Work Hard

                       1. Be passionate about what you are studying and doing:

                       •   Always think about what matters to you and what motivates
                           you to do better.
                       •   Make your studying in classroom and outside significant to you.

        2. Always set goals and “to do”:

        •   Always have  goals and tasks to accomplish every day. Make sure they are realistic
           and that you manage your time to do them all.
        •   List them in a planner and keep it in front of you to measure your progress each hour.
        •   Also make sure to have breaks in between and reward yourself after you are done.

                        3. Understand yourself and be an active learner:

                        •   Understand your personal learning style (if you are a good listener, writer,
                            visualizer, activity lover … etc.).
                        •   Work on your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
                        •   Be active on using different resources and study approaches such as
                            reading, making outlines, or writing notes.

        4. Learn how to manage your time:

        •   In organizing the tasks you have to do for the day or maybe for the week, try making
           a grid that groups tasks into most and least important and those with the soonest and
           latest deadline; start with the most important tasks with the shortest deadline, then
           complete important tasks with a longer deadline and less-important tasks with short
        •   Set alarms and invest in a planner.
        •   Be honest with yourself on how you spend your time.

                                  5. Learn how to manage stress:

                                  Different ways of managing stress include:
                                    •   Indulge in Physical Activity
                                    •   Get More Sleep
                                    •   Try Relaxation Techniques
                                    •   Talk to Someone
                                    •   Keep a Stress Diary
                                    •   Take Control and
                                    •   Manage Your Time.

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