Page 20 - ASC Highlights
P. 20

Academic Success Comes to Those Who Work Hard

                                       6. Get involved with in-campus opportunities:

                                       •   Know how to use your ADU campus opportunities and resources,
                                       •   Know who is your academic advisor and major advisor,
                                       •   Use the different facilities provided by the ADU Academic Success Center
                                           and the library,
                                       •   Keep in mind that learning does not only happen in classrooms.

        7. Make sure that you know your Professors and that they
        know you:

        •   Utilize your professor’s office hours to make a great learner,
        •   Do not feel intimidated or embarrassed to ask questions or give your
        •   Find a mentor who may help you for future references.

        Areej Abdulsalam
        Peer Mentor

        Peer Mentorship for Freshmen Students

        Peer mentoring is a program that allows students who are a part of the Academic Success Center
        to help and mentor new freshmen students. It is a specialized program that focuses on teaching
        freshmen students about the facilities and resources of Abu Dhabi University and the Academic
        Success Center. Peer mentors are students at ADU who have the skills and experience to help new
        students to easily adjust to their university life. Mentors are also able to answer any queries students
        may have as well as the ability to redirect them to the appropriate staff or department based on their
        needs. The peer mentorship program is really beneficial and effective as the mentors are students
        at ADU; therefore, new students feel much more comfortable sharing their doubts and issues with
        them. Mentors are also very knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to knowing the typical
        issues freshmen may face as they were once in the same position.

        Alvina Ashraf
        AD-Peer Mentor

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