Page 15 - ASC Highlights
P. 15

Pointers for You to Incorporate

        During Virtual Exams

        The most important part of any course for a student is the examination
        that  is  held  for  that  course.  It  determines  the  grade  received  by  the
        student at the end. With the new lockdown browser set in place, there a
        few things students should do to help them during these exams.

        1.  Open lockdown browser 5 - 10 mins before the exam: One of the
           bigger issues of online exams is the amount of traffic on the servers.
           Logging in well before time will ensure your presence and alert you
           of any problems you may experience before the exam.
        2.  Take your exams on a table: Most exams require written proof of
           concept, so the student needs to write down what they did. The best
           way to do this is by having your laptop on a table, and your notebook
           in front of it, rather than sitting on your bed with your notebook on
           your lap.
        3.  Do-not-Disturb mode: All of our phones have a do-not-disturb mode.
           During exams, turn this on to prevent any form of distraction from
           your phone since the system will detect any phone usage and report
           it to the instructor. Better safe than sorry!

        Try your best to follow these simple things and enhance your learning
        experience from this new form of online learning.

        Shinawar Ahmad Toor
        Peer Tutor (AD - Male  Campus)

        Remember: What gets measured gets managed

        Incorporate the below to help your work from home seamlessly

        1 .  Create a quiet and comfortable workspace.

        2 .  Always work at a desk. The bed and couch may look inviting but make sure you work only at your desk.
           You can have stationary, your files and books to make it feel like your own home office. Having your own
           customized space will let you work proactively.

        3 .  Invest in a chair with good back support. The less you slouch, the less you slack.

        4 .  It is advisable to have a standing desk, so you are not sitting at the same spot for long hours. Have books on
           your desk, so you can take breaks in between and get some light reading done too.

        5 .  Use creative study strategies. Organize study group sessions online with your peers. Browse the internet and
           find materials relevant to your course. Explore the topic beyond just the syllabus.  Try applying the things you
           study to hands-on projects you can do at home. Get creative!

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