Page 14 - ASC Highlights
P. 14

Female Peer Tutors  - Turn Over a New Leaf with Your Grades

             Noor Musleh          Shahina Ismail      Samah Ahmed         Sukaina Awatif
             (SP-2020PT)          (SP-2020PT)         (SP-2020PT&PM)      (SP-2020PT)

        Male Peer Tutors  - Turn Over a New Leaf with Your Grades

             Ashraf Hesham        Rami Rajab          Mohammad Younus
             (SP-2020PT)          (SP-2020PT)         (SP-2020PT)

        THANK YOU

        To all the course assistants, peer tutors, and peer mentors:
        Balancing between your own studies in addition to tutoring and guiding students might have been tough at
        times; however, you have been great, thank you for your efforts! It was a pleasure working with all of you and
        having you as part of the ASC team.

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