Page 9 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 9

FALL 2023 ·   voice 09

         both groups of children and provides them            to understand variances in cultures from
         with a home environment that can be passed           a very young age. This awareness served
         on. It also creates a sense of comfort knowing       as a tool in helping me integrate into life
         that no matter where you are in the world,           within the UAE. The ability to acknowledge
         there will always be a group of individuals          the differences between one’s ethnic cul-
         you can associate with. Furthermore, being           ture and that of their host country develops
         aware of different cultures from a young             an openness towards diversity and ethnic
         age creates a sense of cultural competency           inclusiveness in children with mixed back-
         in both children. Early exposure to different        grounds. Another similarity between these
         ways of life is a valuable lesson for young          children is linguistic ability and code-switch-

         children that will aid them in adapting to           ing. Often, these children speak their native
         any diverse environment they encounter in            language alongside of developing ethnic
         the future.                                          language proficiency to communicate with
                                                              their elders. My parents always expressed
         On a personal level, being born into a minority      the importance of speaking Urdu among our
         group in my passport country prompted me             family, especially with our elders.
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