Page 7 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 7

FALL 2023 ·   voice 07

                                                              Some of you may wonder why I included
                                                              something as personal as depression here.
                                                              You see, lies can also be projected onto one-
                                                              self and, ironically, when one lies to oneself,
                                                              that’s when the gravest form of deception

                                                              occurs. All our actions are incited by our
                                                              inner intentions, motives, and instincts, and
                                                              when those three facets are contaminated
                                                              by lies, every action becomes insincere and

                                                              To cope with reality, many people lie to them-
                                                              selves regarding whether their actions are

                                                              morally right or wrong. Even when they
                                                              recognize the wrongfulness of their actions,
                                                              they falsely convince themselves otherwise
                                                              to alleviate their guilt. Lies can also lead to
                                                              sadness and depression when individuals
                                                              lie to themselves about their mental states,
                                                              convincing themselves that they are living
                                                              a gratifying reality when, in fact, they are
                                                              experiencing a catastrophic life.

                                                              Lies have led many of our predecessors to
                                                              unendurable calamities. Prisoners forfeited

                                                              their lives when honesty could have saved
                                                              them, and individuals destroyed themselves
                                                              with lies that fed their distorted fantasies.
                                                              Make sure you never allow deception and
                                                              lies to taint the pure life you were given the
                                                              moment you first treaded its path.
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