Page 13 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 13

FALL 2023 ·   voice 13

                                                                  The moment a person starts editing their
                                                                  image, they establish a need to photoshop
                                                                  all their future images, which becomes a
                                                                  type of addiction, leading to an overall
                                                                  feeling of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

                                                                  On the other hand, some argue  that
                                                                  Photoshop can make people feel better
                                                                  about themselves as they change their
                                                                  looks to their desire, which boosts confi-
                                                                  dence and self-love. However, this boost
                                                                  of confidence only lasts for a short time.

                                                                  Reality eventually kicks in, and they start
                                                                  noticing how different they look in photos
                                                                  compared to real life. Photoshop pushes
                                                                  individuals to hate their natural appear-
                                                                  ance overtime and makes it difficult for
                                                                  them to accept themselves the way they
                                                                  are, opening a window for depression,
                                                                  anxiety, and eating disorders to form.

         celebrities’ images, they start feeling                  Overall, the Photoshop phenomenon is
         inadequate, which can lead to the                        causing a conflict between expectations
         development of eating disorders, inse-                   and reality. While many may believe that
         curities, and an endless search for an                   Photoshop advocates self-love, studies
         idealized image of themselves.                           have shown that using Photoshop on a
                                                                  regular basis makes one feel bad about
         Photoshopping is addictive and a                         their looks, which may later develop
         person may reach a point where they                      into an addiction and even contribute
         cannot accept sharing unedited pho-                      to  mental  health  issues.  More  aware-
         tographs of themselves. People are                       ness should be raised about the negative
         photoshopping their portraits to an                      effects of Photoshop, and prominent

         extent where they create an image of                     media personalities should take action
         themselves that looks nothing like real-                 to minimize the harmful influence they
         ity, all in an attempt to feel better about              may be having on their fans. Additionaly,
         themselves. However, many tend to                        it is important for individuals to realize
         ignore the vicious cycle that is created                 that beauty differs from person to person
         by this behavior.                                        and is not a fixed standard.
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