Page 4 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 4
04 voice · FALL 2023
ark chocolate day is celebrated Dark chocolate has many
on the 1st of February every year, beneficial effects on our
D offering a perfect opportunity to body. Rich in antioxidants such
delve into the fascinating history of this as flavonoids, it helps improve
beloved treat. With its rich and intense heart health by increasing
flavor, dark chocolate is the closest avail- blood flow and reducing blood
able version of chocolate from the earliest pressure. It is also packed with
days of its discovery. minerals like iron, magnesium,
and copper. Moreover, eating
The origins of dark chocolate date back dark chocolate releases endorphins
to Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs in the brain, which helps lighten our
and Mayans. They prepared a very inter- mood and brighten our day.
esting bitter cacoa beverage using roasted
beans, chili peppers, and water. When If you haven’t tried dark chocolate yet,
this beverage later came to Europe, it was you are totally missing out. But if you get a
refined and improved, eventually leading chance, don’t miss it. The health benefits and
to the creation of the dark chocolate we the delicious taste of dark chocolate make it
know in the 16th century. a must-try!