Page 12 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 12

12  voice  · FALL 2023

         Peeling away the layers of

        PH                    OTO


         SARO (1090160) & MENNA SARO (1090159)

                  oes photoshopping images make
                  one feel bad about their looks? One
         D of the most famous tools that we
         have today is Photoshop, which, accord-
         ing to experts, is one of the most popular

         and powerful editing tools used by various
         groups of people. Although some believe                organic beauty standards. This has created
         that Photoshop can make people feel better             a phenomenon that psychology research-
         about themselves and boost their confi-                ers call “digitized dysmorphia”, which is
         dence, it could be argued that Photoshop               a distorted, insecure view of one’s own
         makes one feel bad about their natural                 beauty that is most common in younger
         looks as it creates very high standards of             women. Whether or not a person is pretty,
         beauty, promoting unrealistic expectations.            this dysmorphia causes one to continuously
                                                                find “flaws” and “fix” them, until they meet
         Photoshopped images create a very high                 the standards of beauty being displayed on
         standard of how a person should look,                  social media platforms.
         which consequently leads to insecuri-

         ties. Research has revealed that the way               Celebrities are highly responsible for the
         Photoshop is being used has changed social             proliferation of Photoshop; they frequently
         views on attractiveness, causing everyone              use editing tools to make themselves look
         to strive for unattainable beauty. People are          flawless in every picture, thereby promot-
         expected to look a certain way to be con-              ing unrealistic expectations of appearances.
         sidered good looking, which has destroyed              When people compare themselves to these
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