Page 8 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 8

08  voice   · FALL 2023


        Two Worlds

         Navigating the complexities
         of cultural identity in second-

         generation immigrants and
         third culture children

         WRITTEN BY AISHA SIDDIQUI (1093991)

              have spent exactly half of my life as a         culture kids are SGI’s, but not all SGI’s are
              second-generation immigrant (SGI) and           third culture children. The reason this dif-
         I the other half as a third culture child.           ference is notable is because having third
         Due to my unique circumstances, the ques-            culture exposure adds to a child’s sense of
         tion “Where are you from?” is difficult to           identity.
         answer. Eighteen years ago, I was born in
         The United States of America to two Pakistani        For SGI’s and third culture children, passport
         immigrant parents, and when I was nine               countries and childhood countries are con-
         years old, we moved to The United Arab               trollable, whereas your parents’ origins are
         Emirates. Currently, I am living in the UAE          not. For both children, the culture of their

         as a third culture child.                            parents’ ethnic background is the only stable
                                                              form of identity. This creates a sense of inclu-
         A third culture child is a classification given      sion in the culture and traditions of the ethnic
         to an SGI living in a country that is not their      group, allowing them to view their culture
         passport country, nor the one their par-             as a source of unity and stability. This fixed
         ents are native to. This means that all third        form of identity serves as a foundation for
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