Page 2 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 2

02  voice   · FALL 2023

                                                            Editor’s Note

                     Rejoy Thomas Mathew
                     Editor-in-Chief                                  e exist in a unique and significant time

                                                                      today. Human ingenuity has transformed the
                     Rabiya Shaukat                         W humblest of materials, sand and rocks, into
                     (1075090)                              intricate silicon wafers—intelligent machines that can
                     Assistant Editor                       compose poems, conjure ideas, and paint pictures—all

                                                            in a manner that feels oddly familiar and eerily human.
                     Lyan Isam Mushref
                     (1080322)                              Looking at the advancements made by AI and VR in
                     English Journalist
                                                            recent years, it’s easy to see why many of us view today’s
                                                            digital landscape with a skeptical mix of astonishment
                     Nora Basel Hamedah
                     (1086470)                              and horror. Will the rise of generative AI and deepfakes
                     Arabic Journalist                      usher in a new era of cybercrimes? Could the extensive
                                                            tracking and profiling in VR headsets deliver the final
                     Anesa Mohammed                         blow to our privacy online? Will overreliance on tech-
                     (1085924)                              nology eventually shrink our brains and turn us all into
                     Graphic Designer                       dunderheads? Probably not.

                     Maryan Bibars Yakoub                   While it may seem like we are plummeting into a future
                     (1077218)                              plagued with the challenges of an increasingly digital
                     Graphic Designer                       world, we have more control over our collective future
                                                            than what may be apparent. In this issue of ADU Voice,
                     Rand Salah Al Remawi                   we examine the positives and pitfalls of our digital world
                     (1076312)                              while focusing on actions still within our grasp—actions
                     Graphic Designer                       that could help reshape our future world into one that
                                                            is good-natured and more human.
                     Safia Alaaeldin Mahgoub
                     (1080597)                              I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each student
                     Graphic Designer
                                                            who sent in their contributions for this issue of the mag-
                                                            azine. Many thanks to the amazing student and faculty
                     Ms. Bianca Jenna Roberts               team here at ADU Voice, for all the hard work they put
                     Team Coordinator                       in to bring this issue to life, and to Dr. Sreethi Nair,
                                                            the CAS dean, for her continuing guidance
                                                            and support throughout.
                     Dr. Richa Goyal
                     Team Advisor                           Rejoy Thomas Mathew (1084701)
                     Dr. Brilliant Mhlanga
                     Head of English Writing

                     Dr. Ied Shukur Alnidawi                     Stay in the loop
                     Faculty                                     Follow adu_voice on Instagram.
                     Head of Arabic Writing

                     Dr. Mahmoud Sayed Ali                       Get in touch
                     Faculty                                     Click here to talk to us on Teams.
                     Head of Graphic Design
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