Page 19 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 19

FALL 2023 ·   voice 19

                              Sharing any kind of infor-      as signaled through posts liked and shared.
                        mation on the Internet could          Whilst  digital  footprints  could  be  used
                 lead to being exposed, trafficked, and       for advantageous things, including social
          exploited. One of the main consequences             searches, there is also a dark side to it. One
         that come with being active on the Internet          of the ways a digital footprint could be used
         is the emergence of a ‘digital footprint’. A         is in phishing attacks, which are used to trick
         digital footprint is the sum of an internet          people into revealing sensitive information
         user’s traceable digital activities and data         and to give the attackers access to private
         that are left behind. Experts note that this         networks. Another way our digital footprint

         footprint comprises both passive data, which         and data could be used nefariously is on the
         includes  your  IP  address,  search  history        dark web, a restricted platform infamous for
         cookies and metadata, as well as the active          a range of illegal activities, including the sale
         data we voluntarily upload and contribute            and trade of stolen data. Websites that store
         to online platforms, such as text, photos and        information for different purposes, such
         videos, as well as our personal preferences          as online shopping, are highly prone to
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