Page 18 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 18

18  voice  · FALL 2023



                   will never

           be safe

           WRITTEN BY MALAK FARAWI (1088017), RAGHD
           OTOUM (1087147), MERIAM METRY (1088029),
           & KARIN SHAKER (1090388)

                othing vast enters the life of mor-           To start with, all our accounts,
                tals without a curse,” as written by the      and the information linked to
         N ancient Greek playwright Sophocles.                them, are being sold to advertisers daily.
         Social  media,  like  everything  else  in  the      There is a reason that social media applica-
         world, has both benefits and drawbacks, and          tions, such as Instagram and Facebook, are
         it’s easy to look at simply one side of the coin,    free to download. A documentary called “The
         whilst disregarding the other. However, tech-        Social Dilemma” by Orlowski in 2020 allows
         nology today is growing at an insane pace.           us to see that we are not the customers in this
         Although some might argue that using some            transaction. Instead, advertisers are the true

         consumer-focused privacy features can help           customers, and our attention is essentially
         us stay safe online, no such feature will ever       the thing being sold. After these applications
         lead to complete online safety. Many factors         gather data, such as with what and whom we
         halt social media safety, such as advertising        interact on the internet, they are then able
         goals, exploitation, and problems regarding          to build data models that are a copy of us on
         algorithms.                                          the other side of the screen.
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