Page 17 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 17

FALL 2023 ·   voice 17

         Nasser Al Maskri, a student of mass com-             of mass communication, interviewed Mr.
         munication, interviewed social media                 Rami Majzoub, Head of Sky News Arabia
         influencer Kaltham Alremeithi, where she             Academy (SNAA). Mr. Rami emphasized the
         shared insights into her process of creating         importance of continous upskilling for media

         content on various media platforms. Another          professionals and explained SNAA’s role in
         interview with Sky News Arabia’s presenter           providing such opportunities. He also high-
         Michella Haddad shed light on her journey            lighted the collaboration between ADU and
         as a TV presenter, the challenges she encoun-        SNAA, which involves high-quality training
         tered, and the opportunities she embraced.           and certification programs for ADU students
         Furthermore, Hiba Charif, another student            and faculty.
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