Page 29 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 29

FALL 2023 ·   voice 29

                                                    “Well, this is the fourth time this month,” her mother
                                                 said, before walking towards the couch where her daugh-
                                                 ter was seated, still busy scrutinizing her face. Ayesha
                                                 looked up at her mother and asked, “What does that

                                                 mean, Mum?” Her mother, replied, “This was the fourth
                                                 new product you bought for your skin this month.” She
                                                 was holding a dish of her usual rosewater rice serum
                                                 that she prepared herself.
                                                    “That’s because it’s such a nice product. Didn’t you
                                                 see the advertisement, Mum? And it was done by my
                                                 favorite social media influencer. She cannot lie about
                                                 the product’s quality, you know,” Ayesha argued, while
                                                 her mother dipped her fingers in the rosewater serum
                                                 and applied it to her face.
                                                    Her mother replied, “Why is advertising important
                                                 for the success of a product? It’s because people like you

                                                 believe in everything the celebrities endorse. It’s not
                                                 always necessary that what you see on TV is true. Maybe
                                                 the celebrity has naturally beautiful skin or is using
                                                 makeup that you don’t recognize.” Her mother stood up
                                                 after covering her face with the serum and continued,
                                                 “Don’t believe everything they say. Sometimes, adver-
                                                 tising is all about manipulating customers’ emotions.”
                                                 Ayesha remained silent, her gaze fixed on the dish on

                                                 the table, which still held some leftover serum.
                                                                           *     *     *
                                                        Looking their best is important for many people,
                                                      but  some  go  to  extreme  measures  to  achieve
                                                        that goal. Buying and using the most expensive
                                                         products advertised on television has become
                                                         commonplace as people increasingly prioritize
                                                         their appearance. But what they fail to under-
                                                         stand is that advertisements often sell unrealistic
                                                        dreams. In reality, these skincare products can
                                                        sometimes do more harm than good due to the
                                                        presence of synthetic ingredients. Many individu-

                                                      als, like Ayesha and Maryam, fall into these traps. It
                                                    is important to take care of your skin but do so wisely.
                                                   Instead of solely relying on external products, invest
                                                   time in building inner confidence. By being happy,
                                                   smiling honestly, and laughing openheartedly, you will
                                                   naturally look prettier.
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