Page 31 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 31

FALL 2023 ·   voice 31

                                Are we ready for a



                                           WRITTEN BY RANA AFIFI (1075673)

                         n  a  world  plagued  by  press-              Amidst  the  growing  urgency  of
                         ing environmental and social               addressing  sustainability,  a  criti-

                     I issues, the concept of sustainabil-          cal consideration arises: Are human
                     ity has emerged as a beacon of hope.           beings responsible enough to maintain
                     Sustainability, at its core, refers to         a certain lifestyle or behavior for an
                     the  ability  to  coexist  on  Earth  over     extended period? The challenges we
                     an extended period, but the question           face require a collective commitment
                     remains: How sustainable are we in our         to sustainable living. It is no longer suf-
                     social, economic, and environmental            ficient to approach sustainability as a
                     endeavors?                                     distant goal but rather as an imperative
                         Central to the pursuit of sustainabil-     that demands immediate and concerted
                     ity is the understanding that these three      action.
                     realms are inherently interconnected.             Education  plays  a  crucial  role  in
                     Our  social  well-being  is  intimately        paving the path towards sustainabil-

                     tied to the economic choices we make,          ity. Individuals need to comprehend
                     which in turn have a direct impact on          the causes, effects, and potential solu-
                     the environment. The actions we take           tions  associated  with  sustainability.
                     today ripple through time, shaping the         However, the advent of social media has
                     future for generations to come.                brought both benefits and challenges
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