Page 4 - ADU Voice
P. 4

04  voice   · SPRING 2023

                                       A talk with

                Prof. Ghassan

                                  INTERVIEW BY VIOLET SARAH PRINCE (1080030)

            Prof. Ghassan Aouad is the new chancellor of Abu Dhabi University.
               This interview presents a glimpse of his outstanding academic

                         pursuits, research activities and leadership roles.

         Q.      Could you please tell a little               Wollongong University in the Middle East,

                                                              and  later  became  the  Vice  President  for
                 about yourself, including your
         background and any other leadership                  Academic Affairs at the Gulf University for
         positions you have held.                             Science and Technology. Before joining ADU,
         I was born in Lebanon and have a dual                I was President at Applied Science University,
         nationality (Lebanese and British). I did my         Bahrain for over 8 years. Recently, I have
         bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at            begun my role as the Chancellor of Abu
         Beirut Arab University. Following gradua-            Dhabi University. It is a pleasure to have
         tion, I worked as a site engineer for two years      joined this university, and I look forward to
         and built schools during the war. To enhance         working with the chairman, directors, staff,
         my education, I pursued a master’s degree            faculty, and the students.
         in construction and a PhD in Construction

         Management and IT at Loughborough                    Q.      What is the driving force that
         University in the UK. Afterwards, I moved                    inspires and motivates you to do
         to Salford University where I started as a           the work you do daily?
         research fellow and progressed to the posi-          I  joined  academia  because  of  my  strong
         tion of Pro Vice Chancellor for research             desire to support student success through
         and innovation before I left in late 2011. In        teaching and research-based activities. I con-
         early 2012, I took on the role of President at       tinuously channel this passion of mine into
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