Page 21 - ADU Voice
P. 21

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 21

                                                             now  become  a  mark  of  success:  “growing

                                                             While reading a business page in a newspaper,
                                                             watching trending news on TV, or listening

                                                             to stocks updates on the radio, you are sure
                                                             to come across this phrase repeatedly: “XYZ
                                                             Company is growing exponentially”. Almost
                                                             every business article expresses the perfor-
                                                             mance of giant companies as “exponential”.
                                                             Now let me unfold the truth that is behind this
                                                             exponential growth.

                                                             The phrase exponential growth actually comes
                                                             from a mathematical function called “expo-
                                                             nential function”. Exponential functions are
                                                             used to predict the values of rapidly growing

                                                             or decaying variables, for instance, to estimate
                                                             human population of a country, population of
                                                             rabbits and mice, population of viruses and
                                                             bacteria that double, triple and quadruple
                                                             in microseconds and to calculate compound
                                                             interest as well as the decay of radioactive
                                                             substances. The spike in COVID-19 cases in
                                                             the UK was also estimated with the help of the

                                                             exponential function.

                                                             Math is not just about formulas and numbers.
                                                             There are so many other mathematical con-
                                                             cepts that are directly related to our real-life
                                                             situations. Therefore, it is the responsibility
                                                             of math teachers to relate all concepts to real-
                                                             world scenarios in order to spark the interest
                                                                of students in the subject. A possible solu-
                                                                  tion could be inviting people from the
                                                                   industry to share their experiences of
                                                                    using mathematics in the workplace.

                                                                    Lastly, I would like to encourage people
                                                                    who are teaching and learning math-
                                                                    ematics to relate its concepts to real
                                                                    life situations. I assure them that their
                                                                    future  is  bright,  and  that  they  will
                                                                    “grow exponentially”.
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