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02   ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

        Editor’s note                                                      Meet

                                                                           the team

                                              hat if your pillow
                                              could record your

                                   W dreams, and you
                                   could connect it to a computer
                                   to watch them back? I don’t
                                   know if I would really want to          Rabiya Shaukat        Heba M. Zaher
                                   do that, but curiosity is sure
                                                                           (1075090)             Naba (1084687)
                                   to stir me up! Walt Disney              Assistant Editor      Journalist
                                   once said, “We keep moving
                                   forward, opening new doors,
                                   and doing new things because
        we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new
        paths.” ADU Voice is Abu Dhabi University’s E-magazine

        that aims to help students unleash their creative side and
        showcase their amazing talents. The theme of this issue is
        ‘Curiosity,’ and I hope that it spurs many beautiful minds         Fatima Mohd.          Rejoy Thomas
        to be even more curious. I’d like to take this opportunity to      Abdulla (1066446)     Mathew (1084701)
        thank each student who contributed to this issue, and my           Journalist            Journalist, Designer
        team who relentlessly worked hard to bring it all together!
        Many thanks to the ADU Voice faculty team and Dr.
        Sreethi Nair, the CAS dean, for supporting us
        throughout and making this possible!

        Violet Sarah Prince (1080030)
                                                                           Lynn Abiddi           Dr. Richa Goyal
                                                                           (1083873)             (Faculty)
                                                                           Designer              Team Leader

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               latest updates & announcements from your
               favorite magazine.

               Get In Touch
               Interested in contributing to future editions of            Mr. Shannon           Ms. Duha
                                                                           Glasgow (Faculty)
                                                                                                 Lababidi (Faculty)
               the ADU Voice magazine? Click here to reach                 Head of English       Head of Design &
               out to us through Microsoft Teams.                          Writing               Arabic Writing
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