Page 4 - ADU Voice
P. 4

tempting  to  go  back  to;  and  you  might  want  It is only with time, reassurance, and the right
        those days to last longer or just end, but you  people  -  maybe  even  one  person,  who  can
        cannot  remember  how.  Becoming  the  better  also be yourself- will gain the self-love that you
        version  of  'you'  that  there  is,  is  terrifying,  yet  deserve;  and  nothing  feels  more  fulfilling  and
        healing.  You  will  still  encounter  the  same  freer  than  that.
        intrusive thoughts and anxiety-filled situations,
        maybe even the depressing sunny days that you                                Written by Leen Mohamad
        cannot wait to end, and that is okay.                                                       ID: 1075482
        It passed before; it will pass again. Sometimes,
        we are afraid of losing our old selves because
        we will lose sight of who we once were. But if we
        take each little piece one by one and nurture it
        with the love, care, and reassurance necessary
        to  build  the  self-worth  we  need,  there  will
        be something to look back on in our times of
        loneliness  and  heartache.  When  we  surround
        ourself with the people who support us through
        this transition and push us back up on our feet
        in  those  moments  of  darkness,  we  will  have
        someone to look up to and trust. Change can
        be  terrifying.
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