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 BACHELOR OF ARTS IN  FWS 305  Technical Communications for   3  ENG 200 + Completion of minimum 45 credit
                     MAC 205  Theories of Mass Communication  3             MMC 201
 MASS COMMUNICATION Study Plan  (Semester 4)  MAC 310  Mass Media Ethics and Responsibilities  3  MMC 201
 Media Production Concentration  MAC 308  Photojournalism  3                MMC 203
                     FMP 225  Introduction to VFX         3                 FMP 180
 First Year (Freshman)  Total Credit Hours                15
 Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)
                                             Third Year (Junior)
 ARL 101 (A)  Communication Skills in Arabic I   3  No Prerequisite
                      Code              Title           Credit           Prerequisite(s)
 FWS 100 (E)  Academic Skills for Success  3  No Prerequisite  Research Report Writing
 ISL 100 (A)  Islamic Culture  3  No Prerequisite  ASC 301     3            STT100
 IELTS average score of 6 or EMSAT average score
 (Semester 1)  of 1400 or passing grade in ENG 102 (R)  FWS 205  UAE and GCC Society   3  ENG102 (R) + FWS100/USS001 or FWS100/ USS001
 ENG 200  English II  3  Fall                                    as co-requisite if students enter to ENG200
 (FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if placed in
 ENG200)   (Semester 5)  FMP 325  Screenwriting           3                 FMS 100
 MMC 201  Introduction to Mass Communication  3  (Co) ENG 102 (R) / ENG 200  OE 1  Open Elective I  3  -
 Total Credit Hours  15  OE 2  Open Elective II           3                    -
 Introduction to Information and Digital   Total Credit Hours  15
 ITD 100  3  No Prerequisite
 FWS 201  Fundamentals of Life Skills  3  FWS 100/USS001  FWS 310  Fundamentals of Innovation and   3  ENG 200 + Completion of 60 CHs
 Spring                      Entrepreneurship
 (Semester 2)  STT 100  General Statistics  3  No Prerequisite  FWS 301  Developing Future Leaders  3  FWS 100/USS001 + ENG 200 and Completion of
 MAC 201  Intercultural Communication  3  MMC 201  Spring              minimum 45 credit hours
                     FMP 300  Short Film Production       3                 FMP 180
 MMC 203  Writing for Mass Media  3  MMC 201  (Semester 6)
 Total Credit Hours  15  ME 1  Major Elective I           3                    -

 Second Year (Sophomore)  MAC 317  Public Speaking        3                 ENG 200
 Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)  Total Credit Hours  15
 MAC 207  Introduction to Graphic Design   3  ITD 100  Summer
           Semester  MAC 499  Internship                  3          80 Credit Hours + INTR 099 (E)
 FMS 100  Introduction to Film  3  -
                        Total Credit Hours                3
 Fall   Fundamentals of Emotional   ENG 102 (R) + FWS 100 / USS001 or FWS 100 /
 FWS 211  3  USS001 as co-req if students enter to ENG 200
 (Semester 3)  Intelligence  course directly
 FMP 180  Principles of Production Technology  3  -
 MKT 200  Principles of Marketing  3  ENG 200
 Total Credit Hours  15

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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