Page 84 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 84


        Event Proposal Procedure

        Student clubs must host at least two events per semester in addition to participating in SEO’s main events. The procedure
        for submitting an event proposal is detailed below.
        1.   The president shall create an event through ADU Groups at least 10 working days (two-week notice) prior to event.
        2.   The president will then be prompted to submit the Event/Meeting Proposal Form.

        3.   The proposal will be approved/on hold/declined based on the activity from SEO within 3 working days.
        •   Should the proposal be placed “on hold” or “declined” the club’s president will receive feedback for the decision and
            can amend the proposal as necessary. The option to amend the proposal is only available for proposals that have
            been placed “on hold”.
        4.   After receiving SEO approval, the club can prepare for the event and its implementation by submitting materials for
            desired promotional items.
        5.   After the event is completed, the Administrator must submit a Student Participation/Purchase Report. Please see the
            table below for the tentative event proposal timeline. Times may vary based upon availability.

                                                                                                                 Event Proposal Timeline
                                                   Action                       Estimated Completion Time
         Poster is completed by Marketing Department  10 working days (including first draft and approval)
         SMS is scheduled and sent                   5 working days
         Social Media is scheduled and posted        5 working days

         Student Emails are scheduled and sent       5 working days
         Auditorium Booking*                         3 working days
         Transportation**                            3 working days
        * Any use of the auditorium for rehearsals requires a club advisor, a full-time faculty/staff member or SEO staff to be
        Off-Campus Events and Trips

        Student clubs have the right to organize off-campus trips based on the club’s objectives. The following must be considered
        when organizing such trips:
        •   The club must receive a pre-approval from SEO by submitting the official Event/Meeting Proposal Form through ADU
        •   It is the responsibility of the club to cover all transportation costs. Clubs are not allowed to use their entire budget
            for transportation.
        •   SEO will assist in the booking of transportation on behalf of the club.

        •   The advisor a full-time faculty/staff member or SEO staff must be present for the duration of the trip.
        •   All students must submit a Parent/Guardian Permission form (Consent Form) prior to the trip.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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