Page 82 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 82


        •   The club must submit any marketing content related to posters, social media content, or emails to SEO for approval
            prior to posting.
        •   Student clubs must maintain an advisor who is fulltime faculty or staff at ADU. If the advisor vacates the role, the club
            is required to recruit a new advisor within 2 weeks. Otherwise, the club will be on hold until a new advisor is identified.
        •   All club activities/events/speeches/poems/videos/presentations/performances must be presented to SEO and
            approved before the event. Activities must not include any political, discrimination, racism, or other topics/issues that
            are not accepted or respected by UAE culture or are not in alignment with ADU rules and regulations.
        •   Student clubs must not promote events or activities without SEO’s approval and acknowledgment.
        •   No  joint  performances  are allowed  between the  male  and  female  students without  prior approval.  Female
            performances are not permitted to be presented in front of males.
        •   SEO has the right to cancel any activity/event/speech/poem/video/presentation/performance that does not comply
            with the rules set forth by the department or University.
        •   Any club that does not have a complete Executive Board is considered inactive until all roles have been filled.
        •   Executive Board members must have clear communication with all members about new projects and proposals.
        •   Student clubs should refer to their advisors through their planning process to seek advice and approvals. Advisors
            and SEO provide guidance and direction.

        •   Money raised from fundraising projects should be documented through ADU Groups using the Student Participation/
            Purchase Request. All collected funds will be collected solely by SEO through ADU Finance Department. No club
            member or advisor is permitted to receive any funds on behalf of ADU.
        •   All club members must abide by the student responsibilities as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

        SEO reserves the right to cancel or modify any proposal, event, activity, or trip if the club does not meet the above guidelines.

        Club Member Disputes

        In the event that a problem or issue arises between student club members, including the Executive Board, the procedures
        described below are followed.
        1.   The complainant will raise the issue to SEO by submitting the Student Complaint Form provided by SEO.

        2.   The concerned student is given the opportunity to respond to the complaint that has been raised against him/her.
                     SEO will determine the most appropriate course of action.

        Club Vacancies

        Unexpected vacancies on a club’s Executive Board should be filled using the following the procedure.
        1.   The club’s Executive Board should announce the vacant position.
        2.   Club members who wish to fill the vacant position and meet the club’s requirements to become candidates should
            submit their names to the ballot.
        3.   The club’s Executive Board should carry out a simple majority vote within two weeks.
        •   If needed, and on a case-by-case basis, a second simple majority vote will be carried out by club members.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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