Page 87 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 87


        List of Forms Available on ADU Groups

                  Form Name                                      Use
         New Club Registration/Renewal Form  This form is used to establish a new club or renew an existing club.
                                          This form is used by the full-time faculty/staff member who has been
                                        nominated by the club and approved by SEO to serve as the Club Advisor.
            Club Advisor Agreement Form
                                       The faculty/staff member uses this form to acknowledge that he/she will be
                                                 responsible for the club and serve as the advisor.
                                          This form is used to propose an event or meeting. The form is will be
            Event/Meeting Proposal Form     automatically available after creating the event in ADU Groups.
                                       This form is used to submit the necessary documents for guest speakers for
            Guest Speaker Approval Form                      MoHE approval.
                                             A separate form must be submitted for each guest speaker.
             Student Purchase Request     This form is used for to request funding for non-event related items.
           Student Participation/Purchase   This form is used to report student participation during events and to upload
                    Report                          receipts for non-event related purchases.
              Student Complaint Form     This form is used to submit a complaint for disputes between members.
                                        This form is used to track and submit club activities over the course of the
                                                             academic year.
             Club Achievement Report
                                         Submitted forms will be used to determine awards during the Student
                                                            Recognition Gala.

        Student Recognition Gala Awards Criteria

                  Award                                       Criteria
                                  This award is presented to the club that has provided the most activities/events over
                                                     the course of the academic year.
               Club of the Year
                                   This club has achieved Platinum status. Other clubs will receive honorable mention
                                                       for gold and silver status.
                                    This award is presented to the student who has earned the most activity hours.
          Student Affairs Ambassador of
                  the Year         This student must be registered and active in the SA Ambassadors and all hours must be
                                                  officially registered through ADU groups.
                                   This recipient of this award is selected by student attendees of the fall and spring
                                             events through the online polling system in ADU Groups.
             Student Choice Awards
                                  Students are asked to select the club based the following criteria: content, creativity,
                                            verbal presentation, attractiveness, and student appeal.
                                           The Student Affairs staff submits nominations for the award.
         Students Affairs Highest Award of
                 Excellence       Nominees are students who have made outstanding contributions to the operations
                                             and programming of the department in various areas.

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