Page 89 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        Information Management &                     Student Information Systems (SIS) that enable students
                                                     to access their student information, course registration,
        Technology Services                          online payment, viewing schedule and grades.

        IMTS department provides Information Systems and   Blackboard, which is the primary eLearning platform for
        Technology across ADU campuses. Details of services   all ADU students. Students can access the subject/course
        provided for students are as follows;        materials on blackboard, assignments, e-textbooks. It is the
                                                     primary tool for Faculty and Student interaction and can
        Student user account                         facilitate collaboration in the course.
        All ADU students are provided with a user account based
        on unique student ID number, this account is used for   Office 365 includes the complete academic license
        accessing all ADU online services and computer facilities   Microsoft Office Suite. Microsoft Office 365 provides
        in ADU.                                      student access to Email, download and install Microsoft
                                                     Office application that can use be used by current students
        Below is an example of ADU student:          on their personal computers.
        “account0000000@students.”         One Drive, a cloud storage hosted by Microsoft provides
        Email Format: “Student Number”   students 1TB of storage space online.
                                                     In addition to Microsoft Academic License scope, Microsoft
        Example Email Address:
                                                     Teams is available for students to use for online learning
        Access to student account                    classes. This is the primary tool for online collaboration in
        Student receives an auto generated password and use it to
        log to My ADU portal. They should set their own password   These services are all accessible on ADU student portal.
        after their first log on to the portal. Students need to
        protect and ensure that their password is secure;  student   Technology facilities on campus
        account and password are owned by the students and they
        are responsible for keeping it secure.       Students on campus are provided with Free Access to
        How to enable the password to student account?  Internet via Wireless network. Students can connect to
                                                     Wireless SSID “Student” for a secure connection or an
        1.   Go to ADU portal    alternative “OPEN-ACCESS” with direct access to Internet,
                                                     often used for guests or visitors.
        2.   User will be prompted to answer security questions

        3.    Choose and set a permanent password for the    ADU have several computer laboratory design and built
                  account.                           base on the course or program offered by ADU. The labs
        Note:  Password should be changed every 3 months (90   have a secure connection and mostly have limited licensed
                                                     software installed for the course.
                                                     Lecture rooms are equipped with audio and visual
        Microsoft Authenticator and Multi-Factor     technology for classroom presentation.
        Authentication (MFA)                         Availability of Inter Campus Lecture Room for Video
        Students are encouraged to use Microsoft Authenticator   Conference classes for Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. This provides
        for added security. To enable MFA for their account:  a more interactive classroom experience for both faculty
                                                     and students.
        1.     Download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app
        from your app store.                         Printer, copier and scanners are available on campus for
                                                     students, Student ID card is required to access this service.
        2.     Contact the Help Desk to enable MFA on your account.  The printers are located in the male and female side of the
                                                     library. Students can print from the general purpose labs
        3.     Follow the instructions provided by the Help Desk to   and the OPAC work stations located in the library. Plotter is
        complete the setup.
                                                     also available for Engineering students.
        Student Online Learning Services             Policies & Procedure
        Student online learning services are very important tools   All student  related polices  and procedure are  made
                                                     available on student portal.
        for students in ADU; these services are called:

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