Page 43 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 43


        were disapproved for graduation in  any past semester,   or comments about your data.
        must re-file for graduation.                 5.   On the same page, attach a copy of your Passport,
        Students filing for graduation prior to the deadline may   Emirates ID and your updated CV.
        submit a graduation application request online through   6.   Click Submit to initiate your request. On successful
        their PeopleSoft Student Center.                 submission of request, you will receive an auto-
        Applying for graduation on time will help to include your   generated email notification with request number.
        name in the commencement program; if you plan to
        participate in the ceremony, apply on time!  Awarding Degrees and Diplomas
        Deadline to file for graduation:
                                                     1.  Abu Dhabi University will award Postgraduate degrees
        Deadline for applying for graduation is published in the   upon the recommendation of Abu Dhabi University’s
        student calendar available in the Abu Dhabi University   Academic Council and University Council to students
        website.                                        who have fulfilled the requirements of an approved
        For any clarifications needed please contact the Office of   program of study.
        the Registrar.                               2.  Abu Dhabi University will award Master’s Degrees when
        How to apply for graduation online?             a candidate has successfully completed a program
        •   Go to to apply.               approved by his/her College.
        •   Login in PeopleSoft using your username and   3.  Given that the official language of Abu Dhabi University
           password.                                    is  English,  the  diploma  certificates for  an  academic
        •   Click on self-service.                      award will generally be in English. The documents show
                                                        the full name of the recipient, the title of the award, and
        •   Click on degree progress/graduation.        the title of the study program concerned.
        •   Click on apply for graduation.           4.  The diploma certificate bears the official seal of Abu
        •   Click on the program for which you want to apply for   Dhabi University, as well as the signatures of the
           graduation.                                  Chairman and the Chancellor of the University.
        •   Select the expected graduation term from the drop   5.  Abu Dhabi University may withhold the conferral of
           down list.                                   an academic degree or diploma to a student who has
        •   Read carefully any comments in the Graduation.   outstanding payments due to Abu Dhabi University,
           Instruction section. Any information to be conveyed   who has unreturned materials  on  loan  from  the
           to the expected graduates from the Office of the   Abu Dhabi University Library, or who has any other
           Registrar would be displayed on the graduation   outstanding obligations to Abu Dhabi University.
           instruction section.

        Graduation Clearance
        Graduating students will be required to get clearance
        from certain departments of the University. Below is the
        guideline to initiate the online graduation clearance:
        1.   Login to PeopleSoft-SIS and navigate to Self-Service—
            Degree Progress/Graduation—Graduation Clearance
        2.   Select career and graduation term on following page
            and click Submit a New Request.
        3.   A Request page will appear with your personal
            and academic details. In this page, you can do the
            following: edit your UAE Emirates ID, Marital status
            and Passport Number; verify or update your contact
        4.   number and email address; select your current
            Emirate of residence; select appropriate response to
            questions about employment and give any feedbacks

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