Page 39 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        Academic Year – The period of formal instruction that is   Full-time Student – A student who is enrolled at the
        divided into semesters and terms.            university taking at least a minimum load of 12 credits per
        Add/Drop - A process at the beginning of the semester
        whereby students can delete or add classes online.  Grade Point Average (GPA) – A system of recording
                                                     achievement based on a numerical average of the grades
        Assessment - The gathering of evidence of student   attained in each course in a given semester or term.
        learning and achievement to guide instructional decisions
        and aid student learning.                    Internship – An organized and supervised career-related
                                                     professional experience. Academic credits are awarded
        Blackboard or Blackboard Learn – Web-based tool that   for the learning acquired through their work experience,
        allows students to access course materials and resources.  depending upon their performance evaluation. Internships
                                                     are administered using well planned syllabi and work plans
        Concentration - It is best thought of as a grouping of   during the period of training, which are supervised by site-
        courses which represent a sub-specialization taken within   supervisors and college-supervisors.
        the major field of study. A concentration may be specified
        on the diploma or in the student’s academic record   Major – A student’s principal field of study.
                                                     Midterm exam – An exam administered midway during
        Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) – The overall   the  academic term  covering class  material  studied until
        average of all course grades attained during the student’s   that point.
        enrollment at Abu Dhabi University. The CGPA is used for
        a number of academic decisions, including awards and   Minor – A subject in which the student takes the second
        academic probation.                          greatest concentration of courses.

        Degree – Diploma or title conferred by a college, university,   Pre-requisite  –  Program  or  course  that  a  student  is
        or professional school upon completion of prescribed   required to complete before being permitted to enroll in a
        program of studies.                          more advance program or course.
        Degree Program – The term degree program is used at   Professional Academic Advisor – A full-time staff
        Abu Dhabi University to indicate the total academic credit   member within each college who advises and counsels
        requirements a student must complete in order to earn a   students on programs and course selection, institutional
        specific degree/diploma from the University, i.e. a B.B.A.   policies, career choices, effective study habits, and/or other
        degree program in Management.                academic and career-oriented decisions.
        Early Registration – A process of choosing classes in   Study Plan - Each degree program will have study plans
        advance.                                     for students entering in Abu Dhabi University. These study
                                                     plans will specify the appropriate sequences of courses
        Elective – Course that student may choose to take for   that students must take in order to graduate. Study plans
        credit toward their intended degree, as distinguished from   should include university requirements, major and elective
        a course that they are required to take.     courses.
        Field – The term field is used at Abu Dhabi University to   Term - Some courses may be offered in a time-shortened
        indicate a broad academic area that generally includes   period not less than 6 weeks, called a term, which
        several disciplines or subfields i.e. the field of business   nonetheless offers class contact time and out-of-class
        administration includes  the disciplines of management,   assignments equivalent to a semester course.
        marketing, finance, accounting etc.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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