Page 41 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 41


        •   Students dropping courses in the third calendar week   issues  etc), for more than one semester (excluding
           of the Fall/Spring semester will receive a 50% refund   summer/winter terms). Those semesters include the
           of tuition fees. In such cases, a (W) grade will be   semesters from which the student has withdrawn with
           entered in their record.                      the approval of the concerned Dean.
        •   Students dropping courses after the third week of the   b.   Former Abu Dhabi University students who formally
           Fall/Spring semester will receive no refund, and will be   withdrew from the university by filling a Withdrawal
           awarded a (W) grade for that course.          Request Form.
        •   If students do not withdraw from courses during these
           specified periods, they will be considered as being   Those students must petition the Office of the Registrar
           registered for the course and held accountable.  in writing for re-enrollment to the University. Students are
                                                     encouraged  to begin the re-enrollment  process  at least
        •   A 100% refund of tuition fees will be given for courses   two months prior to the beginning of the semester stating
           canceled by Abu Dhabi University.         the following:

        Dropping Summer/Winter Credit                1.   Reasons for leaving Abu Dhabi University and reasons
                                                         for returning
        Courses                                      2.   Current contact information
                                                     3.   Medical report for students who withdraw from Abu
        •    Students dropping courses within the first two days   Dhabi University for reasons of illness.
            of the calendar days of the Winter/Summer semester   4.   Clearance from the Finance Department at Abu Dhabi
            will receive a 100% refund of the tuition fee.  University
        •   Students dropping courses in the third and fourth   If the student meets the requirements, a committee
            calendar days of the Winter/Summer semester will   comprised of the Provost, Dean of the concerned college,
            receive 75% refund of the tuition fee.   In such cases,   and  the  Registrar  will  look  into  the  request  and  make
            a “Withdrawal without Penalty” (W) grade will be   a decision on a case to case basis. In some cases, an
            entered in their records.                interview with the student may be required. The committee
                                                     will evaluate students Abu Dhabi University transcripts and
        •   Students dropping courses in the first and second   course syllabi.
            days of the next calendar week of the Winter/
            Summer semester will receive a 50% refund of
            tuition fees. In such cases, a (W) grade will be   Administrative Drops
            entered in their records.
                                                     Abu Dhabi University officials in the Office of the Registrar
        •   Students dropping courses after the two days of   or the College Dean’s Office may initiate an administrative
            the second week will receive no refund, and will be   drop. A student may be administratively dropped from one
            awarded a (W) grade for that course.     or more classes (or withdrawn from all classes) for any of
                                                     the following reasons:
        •   If students do not withdraw from courses during   a.    Failure to meet certain preconditions, including but not
            these specified periods, they will be considered   limited to:
            as being registered for the courses and be held
            accountable.                             •   failure to pay tuition and fees by designated deadlines
        •   A 100% refund of tuition fees will be given for   •   class cancellations
            courses cancelled by Abu Dhabi University.
                                                     •   failure to meet course prerequisites
        Re-Enrollment                                •   failure to meet the specific academic requirements of
                                                         the degree program, and
        Students falling under below categories may apply for re-
        enrollment at Abu Dhabi University:          •   failure of comprehensive or preliminary examinations
        a.   A former Abu Dhabi University student in good   b.   When the safety of the student, faculty member or
            academic standing, whose enrollment at ADU has   other students in a course would be jeopardized,
            been voluntarily or involuntarily interrupted (such
            as Financial issues, Medical conditions, Work related

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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