Page 40 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 40


        Theme – The term theme is used at Abu Dhabi University   identify the list of courses they should take in each
        to indicate a free choice of 9 credits from a selected list of   semester to satisfy the requirements of the program
        courses in a sub-discipline at the undergraduate level.  of study leading to their degree.
        Transcript – A certified copy of a student’s educational   b.    Students register online at and then
        record.                                         print out their own schedule cards. If a section is full,
                                                        another selection will need to be made in consultation
        Withdrawal – An administrative procedure of dropping a   with the Academic Advisor. Once the schedule card is
        course or leaving a university.                 finalized, tuition fees are to be paid online, through
                                                        bank transfer or in oerson at the Finance Department.
        Non-refundable application fee (online payment).
                                                     Course Load Limitation
        Once an application and the required documents are
        submitted, a response will be provided no later than one   Full time postgraduate students carry a minimum load
        week from the date the application was received.  of 9 credit hours per fall or spring semester. Part time
                                                     postgraduate students carry a load of less than 9 credit
        Registration                                 hours per fall or spring semester.
                                                     1.  A student may register for up to a maximum of 12
        Students will be required to register during the online   credit hours in any fall or spring semester.
        registration period announced every semester by the
        Office of the Registrar.                     2.  A student may register for up to a maximum of 6
                                                        credit hours in any term of six weeks’ duration.
        •   Registered students may add/drop courses prior to
            the first day and during the first calendar week of the   Postgraduate students under academic probation have
            semester and during the first two days of the Winter/   to abide by the load specified in the relevant Academic
            Summer term. A full refund will be given for courses   Standing Policy.
            dropped by students during this period.
                                                     Add/Drop Course Regulations
        •   Late registration should be completed within the first
            calendar week after the semester registration period   A student is allowed to add and drop one or more courses
            is over.                                 during the first week of the regular semester and during
                                                     the first two days of the Winter/ Summer term. A student
        •   Students wishing to continue their studies at Abu   may drop one or more courses during the tenth week of the
            Dhabi University but who fail to pay the prescribed   semester. In such cases, the “W” grade reflects the student’s
            fees on or before the published payment deadline,   voluntary Withdrawal from the course. This grade is not
            will be considered to have been dropped from   computed in the student’s GPA but determines student’s
            courses which they are registered        progress towards completion of the college requirements.
                                                     If the student does not officially withdraw from courses
        •   Students may seek to defer their registration by   during these specified periods, he/ she is considered
            applying in writing to the Registrar. This should be   registered for the courses and is held accountable for
            done at least one week before the specified date of   completing them.
            registration. Fees for late registration will be charged
            and students will be required to register on or before   Dropping Fall/Spring Credit
            the deferred registration date.
        •   Students will only be permitted to sit for
            examinations and receive grades if they are   •   Students dropping courses within the first calendar
            registered for the courses and have settled their fees   week of the Fall/Spring semester will receive a 100%
            in full.                                    refund of the tuition fee.

        Registration Procedures                      •   Students dropping courses in the second calendar
                                                        week of the Fall/Spring semester will receive 75%
                                                        refund of the tuition fee. In such cases a “Withdrawal
        Students must register online at the beginning of each   without Penalty” (W) grade will be entered in their
        semester. Registration procedures are as follows:  record.
        a.  Before students meet with their Advisor, they should

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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