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        COVID-19 Vaccine Myth versus Vaccine Facts

                                                                 None of the vaccines use live
                            It will give you COVID-19         versions of the virus, so you cannot
                                                                 become infected because of it

                                                                  mRNA does not enter a cell’s
                                                                  nucleus and cannot change
                            It will change your DNA              your DNA or alter who you are

                                                                          in any way

                                                                   We do not know how long
                           I already had COVID-19, so            natural immunity lasts. Even if
                                I do not need it                you have had it, you should still
                                                                        get vaccinated

                                                                 There is no evidence that any
                         It causes women to be infertile         of the vaccines cause infertility

                           People with food allergies,
                           the immunocompromised,                  These people can get the
                          breastfeeding, and pregnant                       vaccine
                         women cannot get the vaccine

                          No need for masks or social            You must still take precautions
                          distancing after the vaccine             to help end the pandemic

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 1              2021-2022 Academic Year
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