Page 22 - COH Newsletter
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        Student Testimonials

                               Students shared with us their experience with online learning during the
                               COVID-19 pandemic.

                               “E-learning at ADU exceeded my expectations, and it was an enjoyable experience.
                               What I enjoyed the most about e-learning was that I could pace myself according
                               to my preferred speed and attend classes without wasting time on travel, which
                               allowed me to continue to pursue other things.”

                               Mohammed Osama Ibrahim
                               Public Health Student

                               “My e-learning experience was a bit stressful at the beginning of the pandemic as
                               I was not interested in technology. But after I experienced and adapted to online
                               learning, I started to enjoy it as I could spend more time with my family. I enrolled
                               in courses without worrying about travel and this meant I had more flexibility in
                               my life than before.”

                               Salma Ghulam
                               Environmental Health and Safety Student

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 1              2021-2022 Academic Year
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