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        Faculty Awards

                                                            Abu Dhabi University is immensely proud of
                                                            Dr. Nisreen Alwan, Associate Professor of
                                                            Environmental Health and Safety in our College of
                                                            Health Sciences, for winning the Best Researcher
                                                            Award in the International Research Awards on new
                                                            inventions 2021, organized by Science Father. This
                                                            award recognizes Dr. Alwan’s innovative research
                                                            and significant contributions to the advancement of
                                                            her field of expertise. Congratulations, Dr. Alwan, on
                                                            this tremendous achievement.

        Student Awards

        Two of our outstanding EHS students have received two awards for their research work under the
        supervision of our faculty members.

        EHS student Hamna Anver won 3rd place at the Research Collaboration Competition: X-Research
        conducted on April 27th 2021, for her research entitled  “Vertical Farming in the UAE”.

        EHS student Tuahir Hussain achieved 2nd place at the 8th Undergraduate Research Competition that
        occurred on June 17th 2021, for his research entitled “The Effect of DHEA on the Pregnancy Rates for
        Patients Undergoing in Vitro Fertilization; A Review”.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 1              2021-2022 Academic Year
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