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        International Accreditation

        B.Sc. in Public Health Program

        Receives APHEA Accreditation

        What is APHEA?
        APHEA represents the five leading public health associations in the European Region. It is committed
        to assuring and improving the quality of educational activities throughout the European Region and
        globally. Accreditation supports the continued advancement of education and training of the public
        health workforce throughout the world by providing an international and transparent quality recognition.

        Site Visit and Accreditation
        We are proud to announce that the B.Sc. in Public Health has been granted accreditation by the Board of
        Directors of the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA). Dr. Julien Goodman, Director
        of APHEA, announced this wonderful news on 30 July 2021.

        The decision was made following a virtual site visit attended by the APHEA review team and ADU
        representatives, led by Dr. Rania Al Dweik, Assistant Professor of Public Health. The virtual site visit is a
        component of APHEA’s review and accreditation process and was conducted over four days in June 2021.
        The evaluation team gave particular attention to the program’s Self-Evaluation Report (SER) using seven
        quality criteria. The evaluation team members were Professor Colleen Fisher (Chair), Costas Christophi
        (Associate Professor), Tom Kuiper (Policy Advisor), and Dr. Julien Goodman (APHEA Director).

        The site visit started with a session with the University and College leadership team, which enabled the
        Chancellor, Provost, and Dean to orient the APHEA team to the University, the College of Health Sciences,
        and particularly to the Public Health program. It also provided the opportunity to highlight the program’s
        strengths, challenges, and future plans. Furthermore, the visit included sessions with students, alumni,
        and external stakeholders, discussing different components of the program and the readiness of the
        graduates to enter the workforce. The team also met with academic staff involved in delivering the
        curriculum, giving the faculty time to discuss teaching methods, strengths, issues, workload, faculty
        development activities, and research. Likewise, the APHEA team met with career, admissions, and
        education support staff and reviewed recruitment, admissions, progression, enrollment, and student
        services, etc. Another session was conducted with ADU examiners and quality managers to discuss
        accreditation and quality improvement programs, as well as ethical research. In addition, APHEA met
        with the ADU International Office and welfare members to talk about global student engagement and
        international student recruitment and mobility.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 1              2021-2022 Academic Year
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