Page 19 - ADU Voice
P. 19

FALL 2022 ·   voice 19

                     hat’s the first thing that comes         closely, you can hear birds chirping off in one
                     to  your  mind  when  the  coun-         corner and water splashing against the lake
          W try  Türkiye  is  mentioned?  The                 shore a few meters away. You can also hear
         mosques, the exquisite cuisine, the rich his-        locals, speaking in soft but animated voices,
         tory? As a photographer, details are what            sharing the latest news and gossip and tour-

         matter the most to me. Nothing is more               ists discussing their adventures of the day.
         fulfilling than capturing the moment and             The sound of joggers’ footsteps behind you
         finding beauty from a different perspective,         quickly get louder as the runners prepare to
         one that is rather closer to the heart and           pass on your left.
         deeper in portrayal.
                                                              Ormanli, a small village of 213 people an
         Every photo taken tells a story and expresses        hour and a half from Istanbul, offered more
         a different emotion. Evidence of this can be         treasures to capture on film. Although tour-
         seen in some of the images I was able to cap-        istic landmarks are must-go destinations,
         ture on a spring trip to Türkiye.                    what makes a trip remarkable is getting
                                                              hands-on experience by engaging with locals
         In the photos, the International Istanbul            and exploring the hidden gems of the region.

         Tulip festival at the ‘Emirgan Park’, with its
         3.5 million tulips in 120 varieties, provided        Upon reaching Ormanli, after stopping by a
         the perfect setting to capture the splendid          daisy field for a quick picnic and enjoying the
         spirit of people living in the moment against a      omnipresent smell of flowers along the way,
         backdrop of pure natural beauty. If you listen       I was greeted by a local family who owned
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