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02  voice   · SPRING 2023

         Editor’s Note                                                       Meet

                                                                             The Team

                                           ll good things must
                                           come  to  an  end,
                                    A but when the good
                                    things are gone, better
                                    things are on the way. I
                                    had been given the respon-
                                    sibility of being the Editor            Rabiya Shaukat       Heba M. Zaher
                                    in Chief of ADU Voice for a             (1075090)            Naba (1084687)
                                    trimester, and honestly, it             Assistant Editor     Journalist
                                    has been a fantastic experi-
                                    ence. In this role, I was able
                                    to demonstrate and enhance
         my creative, interpersonal, and communication skills,
         and build a close association with my team. Over the
         period, my team and I were able to release three success-
         ful issues; “Curious Minds”, “Lasting Impressions”, and
         “New Horizons.” I would like to take this opportunity to
         thank my team members who in the words of Sir Alfred               Rejoy Thomas         Salma Amjad
         Lord Tennyson have been “souls that have toil’d and                Mathew (1084701)     Mubarak (1080086)
         wrought and thought with me”. They worked untiringly,              Journalist, Designer  Designer
         and it has been a true honor and privilege to work with
         them. We have been through a lot together, and we are
         stronger for it. I cannot list all the people to thank as
         they range from my fabulous team to the contributors,
         our readers, and the many writers I have worked with
         over time. I also want to express my gratitude for the
         guidance provided by Dr. Ali Kamel Al Sharef to the
         students writing in Arabic. Moreover, special thanks
         goes to the CAS dean, Dr. Sreethi Nair, for supporting             Leen Khairi          Dr. Richa Goyal
         our efforts to engage students in a meaningful way.                Tomeh (1075514)      (Faculty)
         Finally, I would like to end this note with a little piece of      Designer             Team Coordinator
         advice that might sound cliche but is worth it. Believe
         in yourself, push your limits, experience life, conquer
         your weaknesses and be happy. During the journey,
         you’ll get to know people you wouldn’t have encountered
         and create stories you couldn’t have imagined.
         Thank you and goodbye.

         Violet Sarah Prince (1080030)
         Editor-in-Chief                                                    Ms. Duha             Dr. Mahmoud
                                                                            Lababidi (Faculty)   Sayed Ali (Faculty)
                                                                            Head of Arabic       Head of Graphic
              adu_voice           ADU Voice                                 Writing              Design
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