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 •   Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with   •   Approximately 85,000 students graduate  from ABET-  Objectives   international competitions throughout the academic year.
 Concentration in Big Data Analytics   accredited programs each year   The College empowers students by supporting the following
 •   Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with   •   Assurance that programs meet the quality standards of   The objectives of the COE are to:  professional student clubs, most of which are student
                                                     branches of international professional societies:
 Concentration in Web and Mobile Applications   the related profession   1.   Be recognized as the center of academic excellence in
 Development  engineering education in UAE and one of the best in   •   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
 •   Ensures programs are leading the way in innovation   Student Branch
 and emerging technologies    the Arab world;
 Accreditation  •   Assessment criteria developed by technical   2.   Develop and maintain comprehensive engineering   •   American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
 Accreditation is a testament of program and graduate   professionals  programs with world class curricula;  Student Section
 quality. It gives employers, parents, students, and graduate   •   Guarantees high quality learning in technical education  3.   Develop and maintain world-class facilities for   •   American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student
 schools  a  piece  of  mind  that  they  have  made  the  right   engineering education;  Chapter
 choice in selecting employees or graduate school applicants.   •   Accreditation by a network of more than 2,200 experts   •   American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AlChE)
 All  COE  programs  are  accredited  by  the  Commission  for   from academia, government, and industry   4.   Hire, motivate, and reward superior faculty members;  Student Chapter
 Academic Accreditation of the Ministry of Education in the   5.   Produce graduates with the ability to analyze, design,
 UAE. Additionally, COE programs are reviewed and approved   •   International quality standards, respected worldwide   test and implement high quality engineering solutions   •   Architecture and Design Club
 by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in the   The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a global   for real-life problems;
 USA as part of ADU’s institutional accreditation. COE students   professional membership body  driving excellence in   •   Aviation Club
 additionally enjoy program-specific world-class accreditation   architecture, founded for the advancement of architecture   6.   Inculcate in students a sense of professional   •   Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student
 by some of the best accrediting bodies of engineering,   under its charter granted in 1837 and Supplemental Charter   engineering and computer science ethics and full   Chapter
 computing, and architecture programs in the world.    granted in 1971.  accountability for their work;
 ABET, an accrediting agency for programs in applied and   RIBA Validation is a peer review process that monitors   7.   Develop graduate programs and increase research and   Undergraduate Programs
 natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering   compliance with internationally recognized minimum   scholarly activity with focus on applied research;  The  College  offers  the  following  thirteen  undergraduate
 technology is recognized as an accreditor by the prestigious   standards  in architectural education and  encourages   programs:
 Council for Higher Education Accreditation based in the USA.   excellence and diversity in student achievement. The COE   8.   Communicate and collaborate effectively with the UAE
 It is widely considered the golden standard of engineering   Bachelor of  Architecture program is RIBA-accredited.   society; and  •   Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
 accreditation  around  the  world.  All  COE  engineering   9.   Diversify financial resources
 programs are designed to meet and exceed ABET criteria   International Air Transport Association (IATA, Canada);   •   Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
 and requirements. Most of our engineering programs   Authorized Training Center (ATC) Accreditation  Curricular Structure  •   Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
 are already ABET-accredited or are new and awaiting the   ADU has received the accreditation as an Authorized Training
 graduation of the first cohort before applying to ABET. The   Center (ATC) on the 29th August 2019 from the International   Undergraduate programs curricula in the COE have a general   •   Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
 college employs several ABET Program Evaluators.   Air Transport Association (IATA). This refers in particular to   education provision  designed to  provide  students  with  a   •   Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
 Our degree programs in Chemical Engineering, Civil   the Department of Aviation.  holistic education that allows them to understand the impact   •   Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering
 Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering,   IATA was founded in 1945 and currently has 299 airlines as   of engineering solutions on their society, the environment,
        and the  economy. They also have a mathematics and
 and Mechanical Engineering have been accredited by the   members (as of April 2020). IATA is the prime facilitator for   •   Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
 Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, and its   inter-airline co-operation in promoting safe, reliable, secure   sciences provision to form the foundation for higher-level
 Bachelor’s degree program in Information Technology by   and economical air services for the benefit of the world’s   engineering courses. The programs offer both a breadth   •   Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
        of technical topics to produce well-rounded graduates and
 the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, the global   consumers. IATA diplomas and certificates guarantee high   •   Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
 accreditor of college and university programs in applied and   standards of training and have gained worldwide recognition   a depth through specialized courses. Students customize
 natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering   and acceptance as a quality product by the world’s airlines   their degrees to their aspirations through technical and   •   Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
        non-technical elective courses. All students are placed
 technology.    and industry associations.   by the university with employers based on their area of   •   Bachelor of Architecture
 ABET accreditation assures that programs meet standards   study to experience a practical internship in a professional   •   Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
 to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical   College Vision and Mission  setting. Students also complete a major design project as
 fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging   a culminating experience before graduation. Almost all   •   Bachelor of Science in Aviation
 technologies, and anticipating the welfare and safety needs   The vision of the COE is to be internationally recognized   COE undergraduate programs are completed in four years,
 of the public.  for high quality engineering education, applied research,   except for the Bachelor of Architecture which is completed
 innovation and contributions to advancing regional   in five.   Minors Programs
 ABET accreditation facts:                           The College offers the following minors:
 The mission of the COE at Abu Dhabi University is to   Co-Curricular Activities
 •   Accrediting institutions for over 80 years  educate highly qualified engineering graduates and conduct   •   Interior Design Minor
 •   ABET has ISO 9001:2015 Certification committed to   innovative  applied research, meeting the industrial and   Students in the college are offered learning and professional   •   Electrical Engineering Minor
 total quality management  economic  development needs of the UAE, the region, and   development opportunities beyond the classroom and
 the international community.   the  laboratory through numerous co-curricular activities   •   Computer Engineering Minor
 •   Currently accredits 4,307 programs at 846 colleges in   including field trips, competitions, exhibitions, invited talks,
 41 countries   seminars, training, conferences, and forums.  They have a   •   Aerospace Engineering Minor
        track record of securing top places in major national and

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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