Page 91 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        closed as published in the Abu Dhabi University Calendar.   based on an internal daily call monitoring system. The
        Use of the Abu Dhabi University library is normally   Contact Center is also independently assessed through
        permitted to the above mentioned groups.  Admission to   Mystery shopping each month by Nielsen, a global
        closed collections is at the discretion of the library manager   consumer research company who specializes in such fields.
        subject to the separate regulations governing those   Abu Dhabi University Contact Center has been consistently
        collections;  admission  to  them  does  not  of  itself  imply   performing highly with more than 97% average in the last
        permission to use other parts of the library’s collections.  7-month.
                                                     Employment Opportunities for Students
        Contact Center
                                                     The ADU Contact Service Center employs current Abu
        Abu Dhabi University Contact Center has a wider but vital   Dhabi University students in the role of Customer Service
        responsibility to  provide the  highest level  of  customer   Representative. The role involves the provision of course
        service to our potential students and existing students   information via phone, email and web contacts. Additional
        who call the University 600 number (600550003) and   duties include outbound call campaigns, surveys and other
        guests/vendors who call the Operator (02-501-5555). The   administrative tasks as and when needed.
        University Contact Center employs dedicated full-time
        staffs along with part-time support staffs and current   Recruitment usually occurs as per the vacancy and
                                                     requirement of the Contact Center and the applicants most
        Abu Dhabi University students to deliver professional and
        correct information and act as the information gateway for   suitable for this position will be first or second year students
        the Abu Dhabi University, its students, staff and the wider   who are motivated, hard working, proficient with computers
                                                     and can demonstrate a pleasant phone manner. Prior call
                                                     center and customer service experience is desirable, but
        The Contact Center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday   most importantly, applicants must demonstrate proven
        to Friday and has 10 lines hubbed to the 600 number to   ability to function effectively within a team environment.
        ensure easy and seamless accessibility by the existing as   Successful applicants will receive extensive training in
        well as prospective students. Our Mission is to deliver a
        comprehensive and efficient information service, providing   customer service skills, systems use, and the relevant
        positive experiences and placing our clients at the center of   product  knowledge  required.  A  Buddy  Program  also
                                                     provides new staff with the opportunity to gain confidence
        what we do. The Contact Center supports a wide range of
        service initiatives aimed at helping different departments   in their skills and knowledge before taking phone calls.
        within the Abu Dhabi University like managing the Operator   Available positions are advertised on Careers website.
        line – 02-501-5555, outbound calling projects, sending bulk
        sms, sending bulk email blasts, conducting phone-based   Cafeterias and Restaurants
        surveys, serve as one of the multiple Point of Contact for
        Students Complaints, helping other departments with call   Abu Dhabi University Food Court offers menus that
        overflows on request, sending e-publication to prospects   are innovative and affordably priced. It serves a broad
        on request etc.                              selection of items that appeal to every taste and dietary
        For prospective student enquiries call 600550003  or email   restriction. Restaurants at Abu Dhabi University Food Court                         are designed for use by staff, students and visitors, and is
                                                     generally the most visited component of the university. It
        The Contact Center team do a follow-up call with the   is also a place where students and faculty can take their
        prospects after the first conversation or after the meeting   visitors for brief coffee break or a lunch hour visit.
        via school visits, open days, exhibitions, information session
        and mall booth.                              Abu Dhabi University Food Court:
        The Contact Center team should have a good sales skills   •  Alpeco Café (AA)
        over the phone to follow up with prospects to share new
        information, call the prospect and make sure that we assist   •  Blue Square Supermarket (AA)
        prospects  or  parents  and  advise  them  about  what  Abu   •  First Clique Cafe & Restaurant (AA)
        Dhabi University offers.
                                                     •  O Two Caffe (AA)
        Our Commitment to Quality
                                                     •  Wahat AlZain Cafeteria (AA)
        The ADU Contact Service Center is committed to continuous
        learning and improvement and this is demonstrated in its   •  88 kitchen light meal (AA)
        rigorous quality monitoring program. Staffs are assessed   •  Grandiose Supermarket (AD)
        on their customer service skills and product knowledge

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