Page 111 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 111


        All program learning outcomes (PLOs) are designed   the course learning outcomes to the program learning
        to ensure that they meet the appropriate level of rigor   outcomes, and demonstrates that the outcomes are
        for the specific degree as per international criteria, and   consistent with the requirements of the UAE Qualifications
        the PLOs are aligned with, and mapped to, the UAE   Framework for the level of the degree. In addition,
        Qualifications Framework (level 9 for Master degree).  the syllabus outlines all the important procedures
                                                     and materials that are used to achieve these learning
        ADU has established procedures to which all its courses   outcomes.  It serves as a base for coordinating the
        must comply with a standard master syllabus. The masters   teaching process, especially in multi-section and multi-
        syllabus describes the course learning outcomes, links   instructor courses.

        Total Credits: 30 Credit Hours

        Pre-core Courses
          Course Code             Course Title            Credit Hours       Prerequisite(s)
           ACC 482-PC  Financial Accounting                    -              No Prerequisite
           ECO 482-PC  Introduction to Economics               -              No Prerequisite
           MGT482-PC  Introduction to Management               -              No Prerequisite
           BUS 482-PC  Quantitative Methods in Business        -              No Prerequisite

        Core Courses                                              24 Total Credit Hours
          Course Code             Course Title            Credit Hours       Prerequisite(s)
            ACC 522   Managerial Accounting                   3               ACC 482-PC*
            FIN 512   Financial Management                    3          ECO 482-PC* + ACC 482-PC*
            MGT 521   International Business                  3               MGT 482-PC*
            MGT 522   Leadership and Communication            3               No Prerequisite
            MGT 523   Strategic Management in a Global Environment  3         Last Semester
                                                                         BUS482-PC*+ MGT482-PC* Co-
            MGT 524   Research Methods in Business            3
            MKT 511   Marketing Management                    3               No Prerequisite
            SCM 540   Operations and Supply Chain Management  3               BUS 482-PC*

        Core Electives                                            6 Total Credit Hours

          Course Code             Course Title            Credit Hours       Prerequisite(s)
             CE 1     Core Elective I                         3                   -
             CE 2     Core Elective II                        3                   -

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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