Page 109 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 109


        Goals                                        4.  Conduct High Impact Applied Sustainable Business
        To achieve its mission, the College is committed to
        continuous improvement processes to attain the following      a. Conduct and disseminate high impact applied
        goals:                                          research
        1.  Review, Revise and Diversify our Program Portfolio for      b. Lead business sustainability research in the region
           Regional Relevance                           c. Enhance research involvement with business &
           a.   Enhance current undergraduate and       community
               postgraduate programs                 5.  Enhance Academic, Corporate, and Alumni
           b.   Introduce new stand-alone degree programs  Engagement Nationally and Internationally
        2.  Excel and Innovate in Program Design and Delivery     a. Enhance alumni relations and corporate
           a. Recruit and retain qualified, competent, and diverse
           faculty                                      b. Participate in events directed towards the
           b. Maintain a comprehensive assurance of learning
           process                                      c. Increase international partnerships and student
           c. Ensure rigor and relevance in program design and
           delivery                                  6.  Foster Professional Development and Life-Long
        3.  Enhance Student Enrollment, Progression, and
           Success                                      a. Recruit, train, and retain qualified and competent
           a. Provide a student-centered learning environment
                                                        b. Develop initiatives for faculty and staff life-long
           b. Deliver personalized academic advisory services  learning
           c. Implement a comprehensive student enrollment      c. Maintain collegial culture and efficiencies in internal
           and retention plan                           operations

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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