Page 4 - COH Newsletter
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        Table of


        About the college                                                              5

        Meet our Faculty and Staff                                                     6

        A Sneak Peek at our State-of-the-Art Laboratories                              7

        Activities and Events                                                          8

        College of Health Sciences in the Media                                        10

        Scientific Corner                                                              11

        Undergraduate Research Projects                                                16

        Faculty Awards                                                                 17

        Student Awards                                                                 17

        Faculty Research                                                               18

        Infographic: COVID-19 Vaccine Myth versus Vaccine Facts                        20

        MOUs and Affiliations                                                          21

        Student Testimonials                                                           22

        International Accreditation                                                    23

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 1              2021-2022 Academic Year
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