Page 7 - ASC Highlights
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ASC Goes Digital

                                    As regular classes have moved to a digital mode, the Academic Success Center
                                    has also migrated to an online platform and aims to provide students with the
                                    best  resources  to  guarantee  their  success  for  the  semester.  One  of  the  major
                                    resource the ASC provides is a platform for students to contact tutors. Through
                                    the use of ADU Groups, students can check tutors schedules, make appointments
                                    with them, and message them with any inquiries they have. Furthermore, the ASC
                                    provides a repository which has numerous documents ranging from worksheets to
                                    PowerPoint presentations that any student can access at any time. Lastly, the ASC
                                    has an online forum where students can pose questions and receive answers from
                                    tutors for their questions.
               Mohamed Omer Faizal
               AD-Course Assistant

        Group Tutoring

         Group sessions for different courses, conducted by tutors at the ASC, now take place on a weekly basis.  During
        these sessions, materials provided by course instructors are discussed, and students are welcome to clarify
        inquiries related to the course that they may have

        Spring 20 -19 Statistics
                                                                                     Peer Tutors:
         Course Assistants               Peer Mentors                             (8 female, 9 male)
        {12 Male 12 Female}             {3 Male 4 Female}

                  24                         7                                         17

                           Campus                                                      AA

                  56                       23                          17                             15

         2 Academic Tutors                Peer Tutors        Course Assistants:           Peer Mentors:
         (Staff) & 54 Tutors               {5 Male            (9  female, 8 male)        (6 female, 9 male)
         (Students) in total              18 Female}

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12