Page 2 - ASC Highlights
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Messages from ASC Coordintors

                             Ms. Beena Vijayan                                     Ms. Deenaz Kanji
                             AD Coordinator                                        AA Coordinator

        2020 has been off to a shaky start but slowly and     Dear Students,
        steadily  we have found our  pace and  rhythm.        Thank you for taking the time to read this section. I
        The classes are in session as usual and classes in    have thought long and hard about what message
        Microsoft Teams have become the norm. Like all other   should come with this newsletter. I wanted my
        departments of the university, the Academic Success   message to be very simple, but also meaningful.  So, I
        Center is also back in action with our Academic tutors,   decided to share a story with you, which I really hope
        Course Assistants, Peer Tutors, and Peer Mentors. The   you will enjoy.
        ASC was, is and will forever strive to be your one-stop
        solution for everything  you  need  to  enhance  your
        academic growth.

        As our motto is to learn and grow, we have rapidly
        adapted with engaging strategies to help students
        navigate their course work. We have many new tutors
        who have joined us to support the students and address
        all their concerns. The ASC hopes not simply to enable
        but also stimulate a keen interest in the course work
        students bring to us by working with them to help find
        their pace and niche.  The ASC has worked with the
        faculty to collate enough resource materials across
        different subjects to address students’ concerns.

        The fact is that we are driven by the results, we have
        seen in the past. You, our students are the reason we
        can celebrate milestones. By helping you, we know
        that we are meeting expectations, and this semester
        will be no different. Remember, we are simply an email
        ( away for anything you need.

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