Page 29 - ASC Highlights
P. 29


         4. How should I prepare             5. Can my friend and I both          6. If I need guidance to
         before attending a session          attend a session together?           learn about how to use the
         with a tutor?”                                                           university’s online platform,

         Kindly make sure to review the      Yes, you can! The ASC offers         what should I do?
         material of the course that you     one-on-one tutoring as well as       The  ASC  has  started a  new
         need to clarify your inquiries      small-group tutoring sessions.       initiative, where peer mentors are
         in,  before   attending   the                                            available to offer help regarding
         session with the tutor. Also,                                            how the online platforms,
         make  sure  to  send the  tutor                                          such as Blackboard, University
         your questions via e-mail or                                             E-mail, ADU Groups, ADU Portal,
         Microsoft Teams beforehand,                                              Peoplesoft, and Microsoft Teams
         so that they can be prepared                                             can be effectively used. They can
         as well.                                                                 also guide you with how to check
                                                                                  your attendance, schedules,
                                                                                  etc. To contact one of the peer
                                                                                  mentors,  you  can  check  their
                                                                                  office hours on ADU Groups,
                                                                                  For male students: here.
                                                                                  For female students, here.

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