Page 27 - ASC Highlights
P. 27

Know Your Academic Advisor

                                    What is your academic background?
                                    I graduated from University of the Philippines, but I won’t say when as that would
                                    be telling. I majored in BS Community Development and minored in Film and
                                    Audiovisual  Communication.

                                    What inspired you to get into the field of academic advising?
                                    To be honest, I never thought I would get into this field.  It was something I was
                                    trained in while working in the college (University College at the time).  I grew into
                                    it and found how rewarding it was to be able to help students, figure out what they
                                    want to do, and where they want to go. I’ve never looked back since.

               Rachelle Rodriguez
               (AD Campus)          What have you learned so far from your experience as an Academic Advisor?
                                    That each student is unique, and the small things you do for them, matter.
                                    Sometimes people are so preoccupied with “getting the job done” that they fail to
                                    actually see the person in front of them.  If you take the time to get to know students
                                    a little bit, perhaps have a laugh with them and show them you care, the impact is
                                    so much more than when you just “get the job done”.

                                    What is the most interesting item in your office?
                                    I would have to say, the whole office.  When I moved in, I wanted to make sure that it
                                    had a comfortable and relaxed vibe, so I put a lot of quirky items and injected some
                                    of my personality.  I think it generally helps for a student to view you as someone
                                    they can relate to and be open with.   It never ceases to amaze me to see the look
                                    on a new student’s face as they walk in. They’d be looking around in awe and say it’s
                                    the best office they’ve seen on campus.

                                    What is the top reason students should meet with their Academic Advisor
                                    each semester?
                                    The university experience can be a harrowing, and anxiety-ridden experience for
                                    any student. My job as an advisor is to ease that anxiety and lead them towards the
                                    right direction, so that they can navigate university life more smoothly.

                                    If you weren´t an academic advisor, what would you do and why?
                                    I’d probably still be pursuing a career in music.

                                    What is your one tip for student success?
                                    Challenge yourself, take responsibility, but never be afraid to ask for help.

                                    What do you like about Advising?
                                    The lasting positive impact on people’s lives, no matter how small, can transcend
                                    beyond university.

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