Page 8 - ASC Highlights
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                           Mr. English - Course Assistant

                           Many students misunderstand tutoring as favours. Some students would approach
                           me for favours like “PLEASE write the outline for me  so that I can score well as
                           I am not that good in English and feel embarrassed when my instructor gives
                           feedback in front of the whole class.” Some also come to me begging to put a word
                           to professors to give them good grades.

                           I am not a Dr! - Dana Mohammad Ali - Course Assistant

                            During a class visit, there was one comment which was “Thank you Dr.”. Back then,
                           I thought maybe it was a mistake. Later, when the same student contacted me for
                           a tutoring session, I found out that he thought I was an instructor! I needed to
                           clarify to him that I am a student too and a part of the ASC.

                           In The Wrong Time, Zoom! - Ebrahim M.Khair Alosta - Course Assistant

                           I had a hard time using Teams at first, so I tutored through my phone. Once, I
                           needed to share my screen with a tutee, and I suggested Zoom as an alternative
                           platform. However, when I wanted to start the Zoom meeting, the application
                           decided to update! Hold on to Teams, everyone!

                           Tutoring to Friendship - Zia Farhan - Course Assistant
                           I tutored one of the students frequently until we became online friends. Then in
                           this fall semester, we enrolled in the same course. When we went on
                           campus, he could not recognize me though I could. After class,
                           he talked to me in Arabic unaware of who I was. After he turned
                           around, I got a message from him asking “Where are you?” Soon
                           it dawned on him, and he turned his head only to scream ‘Zia.’ We
                           both burst out laughing.

                           Different Thursdays - Fatima Mohammad Abdullah -
                           Course Assistant

                           Usually, students book a session on a day close to the
                           weekend. Once, a girl booked with me for a Thursday,
                           and I waited endlessly until she messaged “Is not our
                           meeting next Thursday?” Little did I know, she was right.

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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